Agriculture Department छत्तीसगढ़ ग्रामीण विकास विभाग में कृषि विशेषज्ञ के पदों पर निकली सीधी भर्ती वेतन 40,000

Name of the Organization: GRAMIN VIKAS TRUST (GVT) Gramin Vikas Trust (GVT) started its journey in 1992 as a national level non-profit development organization with the support from Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd (KRIBHCO), Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers, GOI and DFID (UK) to create a world where every citizen can live a secure, healthy and fulfilling life and,

sustain in harmony with nature. Along with various social, economic and environmental development initiatives, GVT is involved in enabling capacities of rural populace through running various i< nstitutes like School of Rural Management, National Livelihood Resource Institute and Krishi Vigyan Kendra.

GVT is directed by the Board of Trustees, which includes five Trustees from KRIBHCO, two Trustees from Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India, and three < nominated eminent Trustees from diverse
background. (

Name of Post : Agriculture Expert

Essential Qualification M.Sc in Agriculture/Horticulture and should have field work for 2/3 years with vivid knowledge of rural area.

Salary/ Package with vivid knowledge of rural area. : 35000 to 40000 per month (Negotiable)

In Chhattisgarh : Contract Basis for one year, extension is subject to performance in the first 3 month.

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