Railway Job रेल्वे विभाग में 10वीं और 12वीं पास के लिए निकली बंपर सरकारी नौकरी भर्ती

Railway Job रेल्वे विभाग में 10वीं और 12वीं पास के लिए निकली बंपर सरकारी नौकरी भर्ती

इस विभाग में विभिन्न पदों पर भर्ती हेतु आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किए गए हैं इस भर्ती की वेतनमान आयु सीमा व शैक्षणिक योग्यता और आवेदन करने की प्रक्रिया की पूरी जानकारी नीचे उपलब्ध है जहां से आप अच्छे से अवलोकन करके इस भर्ती में आवेदन कर सकते हैं

इसे भरने के लिए नीचे दिए गए मानदंडों के अनुसार पात्र उम्मीदवारों से ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किए जाते हैं
पूर्वी रेलवे, चित्तरंजन लोकोमोटिव वर्क्स (सीएलडब्ल्यू) और मेट्रो के स्काउट्स और गाइड कोटा के तहत रिक्तियां
रेलवे वर्ष 2023-2024 के लिए ग्रुप ‘सी’/लेवल-2 में पांच (05) पदों के लिए और पूर्ववर्ती ग्रुप में दस (10) पदों के लिए
‘डी’/लेवल-1 श्रेणी। जिन अभ्यर्थियों के पास स्काउट एवं गाइड योग्यता नहीं है, उन्हें आवेदन करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। विवरण नीचे दिए गए हैं:

NameJob Information
Department nameEASTERN RAILWAY
56, C. R. Avenue/Kolkata – 700012
Post NameGroup ‘C’
Erstwhile Group ‘D’
Total Post 010+
Age Limit18 to 33
Qualification10th | 12th
Apply Date09/10/2023 to 11/11/2023
Apply Mode Online
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Railway Job

Category(Minimum Educational Qualification
Scouting / Guiding Qualification)
Group ‘C’
Passed 12th (+2 stage) or its equivalent Examination
with not less than 50% marks in
the aggregate, from govt. recognized
Education Board/council/Institution etc.
50% marks is not to be insisted upon in case of
SC, ST, ESM and PWD candidates and
candidates having higher qualification
from UGC recognized University.

10th pass from recognized Board Plus Act
Apprenticeship/ITI approved by NCVT
(Diploma in Engineering is not considered as
an alternative higher qualification).
Scouting/Guiding Qualification as per Para 5.0
Erstwhile Group ‘D’10th pass from government recognized Board
10th pass from government recognized Board
+ ITI/Act Apprenticeship approved by NCVT
Scouting/Guiding Qualification as per Para 5.0

i. For all candidates except those mentioned in sub-para (9.ii) below – Rs. 500/- (Rupees five Hundred only) with a provision for refunding Rs. 400/ (Rupees four hundred) to those who actually appear in the written examination.

ii. For candidates belonging to SC, ST, Ex-servicemen, PWD, Women, Minorities and Economically Backward Classes, Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two hundred fifty) only with a provision for refunding the same to those who actually appear in the written examination. SC, ST, OBC, Economically Backward Classes and PWD, ESM Discharge certificates must be enclosed as per Annexure attached in the Notification.

iii. Candidates must upload relevant documents as per Para-9/ii of this notification and produce originals at the time of written examination.

iv. Examination fee should be paid online using Internet Banking or Debit Card or Credit Card (Service Charges for payment of fees will be borne by the candidates).

v. Examination Fees in Cash/Cheque/Money Order/Central Recruitment Fee Stamps/ Demand Draft will not be accepted and accordingly application will be rejected.

vi. Candidates should confirm if they wish to receive the refundable portion of examination fees (Rs. 400/- or Rs.250/- as applicable) on attending trials in the account from which they have made payment or alternatively, provide the beneficiary account in which they wish to receive the refund viz. beneficiary name, account number, name of Bank and its IFSC code. The refundable portion of examination fees shall be refunded duly deducting bank charges as applicable.

vii. Candidates opting for refund of examination fees must indicate the same on the tab provided in the
Online Application form. Failing to indicate the same examination fees will not be refunded under any

Note: Minority will mean Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Zoroastrians Parsi. Economically Backward Classes will mean the candidates whose family income is less than Rs.
50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand) per annum.

viii. The candidate should submit the Income Certificate issued from the authorities mentioned in Annexure – III and upload the same at the time of filling up of Online application.

शासकीय विभाग द्वारा जारी इस भर्ती की नियम एवं शर्तें
इस भर्ती के पदों के लिए प्रदेश के मूल निवासी ही आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
इस भर्ती के पदों के लिए आवेदक की आयु सीमा नियम के
आधार पर अधिक या कम नहीं होनी चाहिए।
इस भर्ती के पदों के लिए शैक्षणिक योग्यता 10वीं और 12वीं, स्नातक
और डिग्री की ओरिजिनल प्रमाण पत्र होनी चाहिए।

भर्ती में आवेदन करने के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज
आवेदन करने के लिए अभ्यर्थी के एक पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो
आवेदन करने के लिए अभ्यर्थी की हस्ताक्षर
अभ्यर्थी की 10वीं और 12वीं की मार्कसीट
आवेदक की मूल निवासी प्रमाण पत्र और जाति प्रमाण पत्र की मूल प्रति।
आवेदक की आधार कार्ड या पैन कार्ड या ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस या सरकारी
विभाग द्वारा जारी कोई भी अन्य पहचान पत्र।

Categoryआवेदन शुल्क

महत्वपूर्ण लिंक लिंक
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Question : What are the Government Jobs available in India?

Answer : More than One Lakh Government vacancies available in 2023. Following vacancies are Top Govt Jobs in India. (1) UPSC Civil Service Exam (2) SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam (3) SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Exam (4) Railway Non Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) (5) IBPS Banking Exam – Clerk, Probationary Officer, Specialist Officers, Assistants, Management Trainees (6) Railway Level 1 Posts (7) Railway Group D posts (8) Railway Para Medical Staff (9) Police Jobs – Constables, Sub Inspector, Head Constable, Inspector etc. (10) Banking Jobs – Clerk, Attendants, Assistants, Officer, Managers etc. (11) PSU Jobs – Engineers, Trainees, Technician, Apprentices, Executives, Professionals etc.Mantralayajob.com

Question : What is the minimum Qualification for Government Jobs?

Answer : Minimum VIII Standard (8th Class) Pass, 10th / SSLC / Matric / SSC / Xth std Pass, 10+2 / Higher Secondary / 12th class / XII std Pass, ITI, Diploma, B.E.. B.Tech, Degree (B.Sc., B.A., B. Com, BCA, BBA etc.) and Post Graduation (M.Sc., M.Com, M.A., M.Phil, MCA, MBA, M.E., M.Tech, Ph.D.)

Question : How can I apply for a government job in India?

Answer : There are a few process that candidates need to follow in order to apply for government jobs in India. The first step is to figure out which organization you want to work for. The next step is to find out if there are any open positions at that organization that match your qualifications. Once you have found a position that you are interested in, the next step is to fill out an application. The final step in the process is to attend an interview, if you are selected. After the interview, you will be notified if you have been chosen for the position.

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